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End of Lease Cleaning tips for getting the bond back

End of lease cleaning tips

When your lease comes to an end, one of the biggest concerns is securing the return of your bond. A crucial aspect of this is ensuring that your rental property is left in pristine condition. In this post, we’ll walk you through effective cleaning strategies that can help you leave your rental spotless and increase your chances of getting your full bond back.

Understanding Your Lease Agreement

Before you even pick up a sponge, revisit your lease agreement. This document often contains specific requirements regarding the condition in which you must leave the property. Pay close attention to any clauses about professional carpet cleaning, wall marks, or garden maintenance. Knowing these details can save you from unnecessary deductions on your bond.

Room-by-Room Cleaning Guide

  • Kitchen: Start by deep cleaning appliances like the oven and refrigerator. Clear out and wipe down all cupboards, and pay special attention to removing grease and grime from surfaces.
  • Bathroom: Limescale can be a real issue here. Focus on scrubbing tiles, glass shower screens, and sanitizing plumbing fixtures. Don’t forget to check drains for blockages.
  • Living Areas and Bedrooms: Carpets often need professional cleaning, especially if this is stipulated in your lease. Dust window blinds and wash curtains if needed, and erase any scuffs or marks on the walls.

Professional vs. DIY Cleaning

Deciding whether to hire professionals or do the cleaning yourself can be challenging. Professional cleaners guarantee a certain standard but can be costly. If you opt for DIY, ensure you have the right tools and products. Remember, the goal is to restore the property to a condition similar to when you moved in.

Paying Attention to Detail

It’s the little things that count. Clean light fixtures, switchboards, skirting boards, and windows. These details can make a huge difference in how your landlord perceives the overall cleanliness of the property.

Final Inspection Checklist

Create a comprehensive checklist for a final walkthrough of the property. Document everything with photographs, especially areas you’ve cleaned thoroughly. This can be invaluable evidence in case of any disputes.

Understanding Bond Disputes

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, disagreements over the bond may arise. Familiarize yourself with the dispute resolution process and know your rights as a tenant. Websites like KK Cleaners can provide helpful information and support.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Options

For the environmentally conscious, there are numerous eco-friendly cleaning products and methods that can be just as effective as chemical ones. Using ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon can be surprisingly efficient for various cleaning tasks. Not only are these options better for the environment, but they can also be gentler on surfaces, reducing the risk of damage.

Time Management and Planning:

Cleaning an entire house or apartment thoroughly is time-consuming. Start early and create a schedule, breaking down the cleaning process room by room. Allocate sufficient time for each area, and consider tackling the more challenging tasks first. This approach ensures you don’t rush through the process, potentially missing critical areas.

Seeking Feedback from Your Landlord or Agent

If possible, invite your landlord or real estate agent for a preliminary inspection before the final walk-through. This can provide valuable feedback on areas that might require additional attention. It also demonstrates your commitment to maintaining the property, which can positively influence the bond return process.

Post-Cleaning Maintenance

After completing the deep clean, maintain the property’s cleanliness in the days leading up to your move-out date. This might mean staying elsewhere or avoiding using certain areas. The goal is to preserve the cleanliness right until the final inspection. This step is especially important if there’s a gap between your cleaning date and the inspection.

Dealing with Stubborn Stains and Damage:

Sometimes, despite regular cleaning, you might encounter stubborn stains or minor damage. For stains on carpets or walls, use targeted cleaning solutions. In case of damages like chipped paint or broken fixtures, consider whether it’s more cost-effective to repair them yourself or report them to your landlord. Remember, honesty about these issues often works in your favor.


End-of-lease cleaning is more than a chore; it’s a crucial step in ensuring the return of your bond. Start early, plan meticulously, and focus on both the big picture and the small details. With these tips, you’re well on your way to leaving your rental property in top-notch condition and securing your bond.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you clean walls at the end of a lease?

To clean walls at the end of a lease, start by dusting them with a microfiber cloth or a duster. For marks or stains, use a mild soapy solution (like dish soap mixed with water) and a soft sponge. Gently scrub the affected areas. Be careful not to use abrasive materials or strong chemicals that might damage the paint. For tougher stains, a magic eraser can be effective, but always test it on a small, inconspicuous area first.

How does end of tenancy cleaning work?

End of tenancy cleaning involves thoroughly cleaning the rental property before moving out to ensure it’s in the same condition as when you moved in. This usually includes deep cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, cleaning appliances, washing floors, dusting surfaces, and ensuring fixtures and fittings are spotless. The goal is to restore the property to a state that satisfies the landlord or agent, adhering to the standards outlined in the lease agreement.

Do tenants have to clean outside windows?

Whether tenants need to clean outside windows at the end of a lease depends on the lease agreement and local tenancy laws. In some cases, this might be required, especially if the windows are easily accessible. However, if the windows are in hard-to-reach places, this task might fall under the landlord’s responsibility for safety reasons. Always refer to your lease agreement and consider safety first.

Can I do end of tenancy cleaning myself?

Yes, you can do end of tenancy cleaning yourself. Many tenants choose to do it themselves to save money. It requires time, effort, and attention to detail. Make sure you have the right cleaning supplies and equipment, and refer to your lease agreement for specific cleaning requirements. If you’re unsure about your ability to clean to the required standard, or if professional cleaning is stipulated in your lease, you might need to hire a professional cleaning service.

What is the difference between deep cleaning and end of tenancy cleaning?

Deep cleaning is a thorough cleaning of a property, focusing on areas often overlooked during regular cleaning, like under furniture, inside appliances, and high-up places. End of tenancy cleaning is a specific type of deep cleaning performed at the end of a lease. It not only involves deep cleaning but also ensures the property meets the standards set in the lease agreement for a tenant to get their deposit back.

Is end of tenancy cleaning worth it?

End of tenancy cleaning is often worth it, especially if it helps in getting your full deposit back. A thorough clean can make a significant difference in how a landlord or agent perceives the condition of the property. If the cost of hiring a professional cleaner is less than the potential deduction from your deposit for cleaning issues, it’s generally considered a worthwhile expense.

How long is an end of tenancy clean?

The duration of an end of tenancy clean depends on the size and condition of the property. For a small apartment, it might take a few hours, while a larger house could require a full day or more, especially if deep cleaning is required. Professional cleaning services can often do the job more quickly due to their experience and efficiency.

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